We’re located at the Newington Green Meeting House.
The venue address is 39a Newington Green, London, N16 9PR. The nearest TFL stations are both on the London Overground: Canonbury (12-minute walk) and Dalston Junction (16-minute walk). Newington Green is on the 73, 141, 236, 341, 476 and N73 bus routes.
Our venue is accessible (except the main chapel mezzanine which contains a small amount of overspill seating, the audio-visual booth and the staff office).
The seating in the ground floor main hall is comprised of wooden pews. We have an accessibility box pew which is at the front and just to the left of the stage (as you look at the stage). This pew is box-shaped, spacious and has an adapted door so that people who use wheelchairs can access. This pew is also a good option for people accompanied by Guide Dogs as there is lots of space.
Another option is the front pew right in front of the stage. There is room here for people to position their wheelchairs in front of the pew.
There is an accessible toilet on the ground floor, and the bar is also located on the ground floor. There are no steps. The stage itself in the main hall has a ramp.
The building has a hearing loop installed.
There is a platform lift down to the basement, and up to the Mary Wollstonecraft room where some smaller events, workshops and classes are held. The seating in the Mary Wollstonecraft room is comprised of individual wooden chairs which can be moved and rearranged very easily for accessibility.
As we are a small charity with a tiny team, we ask that if at all possible you contact us in advance on arts@new-unity.org to let us know if you have specific accessibility requirements or would like us to reserve the accessible box pew or front pew. This email account is checked once every two days (at least – usually more) in the week running up to an event. If you’re not able to contact us in advance, don’t worry. None of our events have reserved seating (other than for accessibility purposes), so we will be able to make arrangements on the day.